Sea side residence

Taras and Joe

When colleagues come full circle

Life occasionally throws up full circle moments for our short sighted human minds to be reminded of the bigger picture. The longevity of a good relationship, friendship or colleague has always been important to Mr Wolf. Any investment he makes into those around him is meaningful and intentional. So when Joe called WOLF ARCHITECTS after 20 years in response to a job ad, Mr Wolf was enthralled to see who walked through the door.
Joe was Mr Wolf’s mentor 20 years ago. He remembers the youth fuelled architect, full of ambition and ideas- his love for good food and lots of chocolate!
Joe has since worked all over Asia- Thailand, Singapore and China- building nothing less than whole cities while in China. Time and tide has brought him back to home shores of Melbourne and he found himself keen to re-engage with the more personal side of architecture- residential work. That is what brought him to WOLF ARCHITECTS door, as he quickly decided it was the best practice in Melbourne- and he was used to being amongst the best!
Joe may well be one of our oldest members of staff, but the familiarity, mutual respect and delightful memories from years ago and made the transition seamless for Mr Wolf and the team.
A full circle later, he is mentoring other younger members of our practice while observing with some pride, Mr Wolf’s youthful enthusiasm now materialised into the bustling boutique practice of WOLF ARCHITECTS.

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