Sea side residence

World Architecture Festival

Winner – Multi Purpose Commercial Complex

The World Architecture Festival is the world’s largest competition dedicated to celebrating and sharing architectural excellence. Over the weekend a member of our talented wolf pack flew to Singapore, to attend the awards ceremony as one of the shortlisted entries. We are proud and excited to announce that our wolf won the award for “Best Commercial Mixed-Use Building”.
We feel so lucky to have such a talented group of individuals working at our award winning practice Wolf Architects. Having such a diverse multicultural team allows us to push the boundaries in Architecture at an International level. The WAF Awards not only allows you to showcase your talent and unique response to the brief but showcase your understanding of integrating and optimizing interior and exterior space.

As an award winning practice, we pride ourselves on having only the most talented and devoted architects in our team. Our mission is to enhance lives through carefully considered building design with a responsibility to the environment as well as the end users. Our Asian office in Bangkok allows us to share design and cultural ideas. As an international architectural practice our clients benefit from our award winning multicultural team with worldly depth and experience.


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