Guardians and Protectors

Guardians and Protectors

Guardians and Protectors of Wolf Architects! On the top right column to the pedestrian entrance of the Wolf Head quarters sits Jade- A chinese lion, also known as a Chinese Foo Dog. Jade was personally brought to Australia by Chief Architect Taras Wolf, and has been...
Follow the Light!

Follow the Light!

Follow the Light! A person’s near-death experience is often described as being in the presence of a bright light to which we feel compelled to follow. At Wolf Architects we also feel compelled to follow the light with our designs. We study the way light moves during...
Macadamia Chocolates from Hawaii!

Macadamia Chocolates from Hawaii!

Macadamia Chocolates from Hawaii! This week at the Wolf Office, we were delighted by a delivery of six boxes of globally renowned chocolate covered roasted macadamias, made by the talents at Hawaiian Host. These treats were first pioneered by Mamoru Takitani in 1927,...
Trust your Architect!

Trust your Architect!

When you can’t make up your mind –  Trust your Architect! Recently we had a situation where a client could not decide on the size and quantity of pendant lights. Despite several photo realistic artists impressions, the decision still could not be certain...