Become a Wolf Designer? Over the years, this is what we’ve been hearing from many applicants....

Architectural Blog
House no 1 versus House no 16
House no 1 versus House no 16 This was the house that Taras designed as a teenage boy in 1988...
The Ultimate Architectural Dare!
The Ultimate Architectural Dare! The architectural dare is a way of inducing an action or...
Arrival of the Rulercal!
Arrival of the Rulercal! With experience comes wisdom. We at Wolf Architects embrace new...
It’s all in the name!
It's all in the name! Architects bring life, energy, personality and character to what others may...
Framing the architect’s view!
Framing the architect’s view! Multi-functionality is a contemporary trend, but multi-functional...
Tempura Friday!
Tempura Friday! Another wonderful Friday afternoon at Wolf Architects with Miss Suzuki teaching us...
Lost and Found!
Chief Designer’s clutch pencil lost and found! Taras Wolf’s special Faber Castellclutch pencil has...
“the quality of your life is brought about by the quality of your thinking”
The Wolf house in the making... “From the looks of it, I can tell that it’s gonna be very...
The stair room!
The stair room! Stairs are an important element in Wolf architecture. They are not just a...
Bruce St, Mount Waverley
Bruce St, Mount Waverley Still nothing comes close to this Mount Waverley house as far as an...
Fine Dentistry
Dental Surgery on Canterbury Rd In Canterbury, Melbourne, Wolf Designs were behind the...