A Multi-Talented Team

A Multi-Talented Team

Amir Kaveh is a man of many talents and the brains behind the on-line presence of WOLF Architects. Not only does he look after our website but he is also our resident IT Manager and computer engineer. Amir is a great asset to our team, he has a broad skill set and...
One Down, Two to Go!

One Down, Two to Go!

One Suburb, Three WOLF Designs… We know from experience that good design is captivating and the results of our extraordinary works speaks for itself. The benefits of our work is not only felt by the family living in the home but by the neighbouring households on the...
To Renovate or not to Renovate?

To Renovate or not to Renovate?

Renovations are often seen an economical alternative to building a new home. Numerous DIY building shows continue to inspire us to renovate when in fact renovating is not always appropriate. It’s never as easy at it looks and people end up spending more and taking...
Teaser Alert!

Teaser Alert!

Earlier in the week we visited an almost complete WOLF House and boy were we happy with what we saw! Located on the Coastline of Victoria the hidden beauty makes full use of the picturesque surroundings and completely encompasses a coastal lifestyle. The home is...