Sea side residence

Afternoon Fun

Keep Calm & Squash On….

A good work-life balance is an important part of really performing at your best and being part of the WOLF Pack means always bringing your A-Game. Our team works very hard together in order to provide our clients with the best service possible and to produce designs that set a bench-mark across the board.  Along with the skill and work ethic required to be part of our team, the relationship between each member is vital as it affects the overall performance of the team. Thus an excellent working relationship and strong team culture is an important part of our practice. The WOLF Team makes an effort to organise and attend regular events for team bonding and social time together. From social luncheons, dinner parties and nights out to sporting or leisure activities our team enjoys spending time together outside of the office.

Squash is a particularly popular office activity and we have a regular tournament where everyone gets a turn to play against each other, including Mr Wolf. Recently our team had a bit of afternoon fun and exercise on the court, safe to say the team slept well following the competitive event! Along with the physical benefits of the exercise involved with playing squash we think it’s a great sport for Architects as it requires an excellent understanding of space, angle and circulation.


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