Sea side residence

Following the light

Light and Shade.

Light is one of the foundations upon which good architecture is built. When we design a building we focus on its orientation to the natural light, be it from the morning or afternoon sun. The direction of the light and the seasonal changes of light availability play an important role in designing a beautiful, well integrated, home or work place.
Lighting design within the home is an important consideration at WOLF Architects. lighting plans are designed specifically for the needs of each room, for example having a mixture of task lighting and soft under counter lighting in bathrooms or recessed accent lighting in the living room combined with well placed floor lamps. The right lighting greatly impacts the mood and functionality of a space.
When we focus on light, we must also consider shadows. Some shadows can have a large impact, such as on the neighbours of a multi unit development. Other shadows have a small yet significant impact on how we use our homes, like the daily chore of laundry which can be made somewhat easier through early consideration of the ideal location of the Hills Hoist clothes line.
Light affects our lives in many different ways every day. Illuminating our morning routine as we prepare for the day, feeling the warmth of the sun on our face as we eat our lunch, the soft calming light as we sit down to a peaceful dinner. Light lifts our mood and guides our days, it cannot be taken for granted nor can we as architects and designers belittle the importance of applying good use of light in any home.

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