Sea side residence

I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down!

What ever happened to the Big Bad Wolf?

He became and Architect! When he realised that homes built of solid, quality materials withstood the hurricane forces of his WOLF breath, he saw opportunity and opened an architectural practice focusing on quality work. After-all, if he couldn’t  eat those little pigs, he might as well design good homes for them.
The idea of building quality homes has been around as long as the story of the three little pigs. Yet people have continued to cut corners and opt for the sticks and hay concept. While the Big Bad Wolf may indeed be too busy working as an architect to be of any threat, there is a new danger by the name of Climate Change. Australia is not immune to the effects of global warming and climate change is right at our doorstep as each year we continue to experience unpredictable and extreme weather conditions. Add to that the rising prices of energy and gas, and one is either paying a lot to maintain their home at a comfortable temperature, or simply suffering through the hot and cold days.
The sticks and hay home simply becomes less economical, not to mention less comfortable and poorly sustainable.
At Wolf Architects, we have only ever promoted quality construction and suggest that today it is very hard to find quality under $2000 per SM. We understand that the cost of living in Australia is high and can’t deny the seductiveness of build and construct packages advertised through display homes. However, our future with climate change and energy bills does not look bright and it is our opinion that new homes consider adapting to suit longevity to both the hip pocket and the environment.
Recently a friend of ours from Norway came to live in Melbourne for 6 months and complained that her 50-year-old house was warmer and more comfortable than the brand-new cookie cutter home she was renting. Indeed, there are many homes in Melbourne which although are brand new, can only be described as cheap and nasty. However, over the last 6 months we have noticed an ever-increasing trend towards quality, and people have been prepared to sacrifice size for something more substantial and durable. This is a very good trend as smaller homes use less energy and that in turn helps us to reduce climate change. This is where it pays to invest in a good architect. Smaller homes don’t necessarily mean poky dark spaces. A good architect will skillfully craft a design that caters to your requirements in a more economical plan that still feels spacious and light filled.

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