Sea side residence

Successful Council applications despite huge obstacles

Significant increase in density has been evident along main roads and transport corridors across the inner suburbs of Melbourne. Evolution of the streetscape has experienced natural resistance to change. Councils and Architects across Victoria have to navigate the many facets of trying to please all parties involved.
The team here at Wolf are open-minded to the challenges that come with higher density living. Deliberate design by good architects should improve the streetscape, respect the light of existing neighbours and bring functional use to smaller spaces. Without the availability for sprawl, the efficiency of space is paramount.

Our work experience overseas in high density living Asia and continual creative solutions allows us to conquer the challenges of Town Planning applications. We have an excellent track record of approved applications with councils from 2 subdivisions to 6 townhouses and apartment living.
Our Abbotsford project in the City of Yarra was our first major breakthrough with heritage listed properties. It had 32 fierce objectors, all determined to maintain a traditional looking streetscape. In the end our application was approved without the need for VCAT, achieving a positive result for our client. We achieved this with experienced negotiation and careful collaboration with our traffic engineers, landscapers, sustainability, planning, council, client and neighbours.
32 was not the largest amount of Objectors we’ve had to overcome. In an apartment project in Hampton we were up against 45, and more recently we overcame 52 objectors in a highly guarded pocket of Camberwell. While we respect heritage overlays there are some properties that are beyond saving or recreating. With intelligent architecture we believe that every suburb can benefit from quality contemporary designs, even in heritage areas.
We intend to increase the value of the land for our clients, the value of living to those residing in it and the presence of the building with a design that will not date.

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