Teaching and Mentoring

Teaching and Mentoring

Balancing learning with fun. While I have never considered myself a teacher first and foremost or intended to focus on it as a career choice, teaching has featured significantly in my life and I believe has contributed to the success of WOLF ARCHITECTS. Success and...
What gets better with age?

What gets better with age?

What gets better with age? There aren’t many things apart from certain wines that are perceived with the ability to improve with age. In theory, we as individuals improve with age if we can put vanity aside. Although our bodies are confined to the natural courses of...
Well Rounded Architects

Well Rounded Architects

Well Rounded Architects connect better with clients. Recently I was approached by a group of Masters students for an interview on unique architects. They were researching architects who had different or unusual career paths and I fit the bill to a T. Before I became a...
WOLF house turns five

WOLF house turns five

5 Years of WOLF house. This week marks the 5th anniversary of the completion of the WOLF HOUSE. While Wolf Architects was already a well-established brand for residential work it was the WOLF house that put us on the map as the Dream Home Architects. As a showpiece...