WOLF Music and Mercedes

WOLF Music and Mercedes

The sounds of a working day When music is blasting from Mr Wolf’s vintage 1975 JBL speakers it’s a sign that he’s in the zone and the general rule is not to disturb. For others in the office this can at times be a little distracting and the team know that it’s never...
Wolf Word on Landscaping

Wolf Word on Landscaping

Landscaping is a critical component to any environment. All new buildings are incomplete without proper landscape design. It’s like getting all dressed up to go out and forgetting to put on your shoes, or forgetting to consider what shoes you were going to wear and...
Shifting Goal Posts

Shifting Goal Posts

Dealing with town planners moving targets and shifting goal posts The purpose and mission of councils across Australia are, in general, of good meaning. The reality of dealing with town planners however can, in our opinion, be horrid. WOLF ARCHITECTS have a history of...
Design Doctors

Design Doctors

Wolf Architects receives numerous calls every year from people with projects that have gone horribly wrong and are in need of expert attention. Often, it’s when someone has gone to a draftsman, builder or other non-qualified designer with a scrapbook of magazine...