

In building design our architects also strive for balance. Balance between the budget and what is achievable, functional and beautiful. To start we always find a centre. In each space there will be a centre, be it the centre of the room, the space, or the stairwell....
Architecture with impact

Architecture with impact

Positive Media Attention. In the early days of our inception, this small snippet of attention in a newspaper came about simply due to the positive impact of WOLF homes on a suburban street. A WOLF home will state its place with certainty and reassurance, by providing...
Happy Lunar New Year 2019

Happy Lunar New Year 2019

New Ribbons for our Chinese Guardian Lions. The Chinese year of the pig has begun, so it is time for us to tie new red ribbons around our guardian lions. Our newest team member Jackie rose to the task, beautifully tying shiny new ribbons around their necks. As part of...