Courtyard Tips

Courtyard Tips

Courtyard Tips A courtyard is more than an enclosed space, open to the elements whereby you can fit a few plants. This may have bred the misconception that they are wasted, functionless spaces. However at WOLF, almost every new home has a courtyard of some form. Here,...
To Sketch is to Design

To Sketch is to Design

Over the last few decades technology has replaced so many things within architectural practice. Rotring pens, T-squares, drafting boards, lightboxes and blueprinting have all disappeared. Possibly the only thing left from the olden ways is the sketchbook, but now even...
Set in Concrete

Set in Concrete

This latest book on CONCRETE HOUSES examines the endless possibilities of form-making through concrete. WOLF Architects is honored to be featured alongside other A-List Architects from locations across Japan, Brazil, South Africa, Spain, USA and Africa. Each project...
The Beginning of Joy

The Beginning of Joy

  Falling In Love from the Beginning Architecture is a lengthy process in every regard. From the education and training of an architect to the process of designing and preparing a dream home is lengthy, and finally, the process of building can be long and fraught...
PART 1- The Beginning

PART 1- The Beginning

Taras as NFA architects. We still keep that green jacket at WOLF Architects ready to loan to interns when they forget to bring theirs.   Who were/are your Hero’s, mentors or sources of inspiration? When I’m asked about which architects I like or follow, or my...