
Architects Appreciate Art
Creativity Being an architect is not about just being technical. The Architects at WOLF are...

Presidential Quality at WOLF Architects
Below is a shoe Mr Wolf bought in 1989. For a 26 year old shoe, it's condition is impeccable....

6B – A little less conversation a little more action please
“Draw!” yells the art teacher, and “Draw what?” you reply. Without clear instructions on how, what...

Good Design Can Happen Anywhere!
Our director Taras Wolf recently visited our office in Asia. During his travels, he made a design...

Mr Wolf Interviewed By Human Royale
Human Royale is a website which regularly approaches successful, creative people and are committed...

A good first impression counts!
Everyone knows the importance of making a great first impression and what better way than an...
5B – A Broad background in all things artistic aids design.
Craftsmanship alone does not create good architecture. One must have a sense of design and this is...

Celebrating 10 Years of Wolf Architecture
To celebrate our 10th birthday we would like to announce the release of the second book of Wolf...
Every detail counts!
In preparation for an up-coming photo shoot at the famous Wolf House the Wolf team spent this...

Two decades later and still looking better than ever!
Pictured below, Mr Wolf spends a sunny afternoon cleaning his beloved 1970 Mercedes 280SE...