The Joe Zly Connection

The Joe Zly Connection

What does WOLF ARCHITECTS have in common with Zaha Hadid and Tadao Ando? Pritzker Prize-winning architects Tadao Ando and Zaha Hadid are legendary names in the realm of architects and WOLF Architects is linked to both of them through our most senior architect Joe Zly....
10 Star Energy Rated Homes

10 Star Energy Rated Homes

Can WOLF Architects design you a 10 star energy rated home? In these days of environmental consciousness and rising energy costs, much of the focus of building new homes is on achieving a high energy star rating. For new Australian homes the Department of Environment...
Town Planning Bottleneck

Town Planning Bottleneck

How Long will Town Planning Take? Town Planning is a significant aspect of many builds these days, and a topic on which we could discuss for hours. The many examples we have seen and been involved in, the differences between council just in Victoria alone!- let alone...
What Makes a Great Architect?

What Makes a Great Architect?

This post is an abridged version of the article “What Makes a great architect” For me this question arose even before I enrolled at the University of Melbourne, knowing that I wanted to be an architect from the age of eight. It’s certainly not an easy one...