Environmentally centred design. At WOLF Architects we have never seen green design as an optional...
Design Tips
Imitation Architecture
Why it is impossible to replicate Wolf Architecture. What an Architect delivers is like a...
Feng Shui
Feng Shui & Design Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophy that governs spatial arrangement and...
There are no easy projects.
At WOLF Architects we are often asked about the projects that we are working on, or how busy we...
What gets better with age?
What gets better with age? There aren’t many things apart from certain wines that are perceived...
Wolf Word on Landscaping
Landscaping is a critical component to any environment. All new buildings are incomplete without...
Design Doctors
Wolf Architects receives numerous calls every year from people with projects that have gone...
Why is everyone an architect?
Does everyone really want to design their own home? When you are sick you need a doctor. When you...
I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down!
What ever happened to the Big Bad Wolf? He became and Architect! When he realised that homes built...
Intentional Design
Intentional living, is conscious living- much more than just going with the flow of life. At WOLF...
10 Star Energy Rated Homes
Can WOLF Architects design you a 10 star energy rated home? In these days of environmental...
Back in Action
Welcome to 2017 at Wolf Architects! As January comes to a close the Wolf pack is back in full...