Wolf Architects has been recognized as a leader in design innovation, detail and beauty by...

The Wolf Team
Venice Bienalle & Archdaily – Internationally Selected!
Wolf Architects' work is not only innovative and valued but also timeless with a sophisticated...
A closer look at 3 WOLF designed bathrooms
A closer look at 3 WOLF designed bathrooms. The Bathroom. We spend more time in this space than...
Successful Council applications despite huge obstacles
Significant increase in density has been evident along main roads and transport corridors across...
Toorak Mansion Near Completion
Our clients 1100 square meter (120 Squares) Toorak mansion is nearing completion. A journey that...
New Malvern East Branch
The WOLF team is very excited to start working in our new Malvern East Studio. Successfully...
Home Beautiful Magazine
Home Beautiful February 2019 “Bathrooms: Room with a View” by Ellie Griffiths pp 173-177 “Have as...
What do architects sell?
For hundreds of years architects have been admired professionals held in relatively high esteem....
Following the light
Light and Shade. Light is one of the foundations upon which good architecture is built....
In building design our architects also strive for balance. Balance between the budget and what is...
Happy Lunar New Year 2019
New Ribbons for our Chinese Guardian Lions. The Chinese year of the pig has begun, so it is time...
A bronze master
A bronze master. Does this statue look like someone that you know? We think that this statue bears...